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Civil Engineering Lab Equipment suppliers

 Civil engineering is a marvel branch of engineering. That branch of engineering that builds and shapes the world where we live. Civil engineers with equipment from the best Civil Engineering Lab Equipment suppliers empower them to apply their skills, knowledge, and expertise to shape our world by designing and constructing diverse projects.

Civil Engineering Lab Equipment suppliers

Every brick-and-mortar structure has a story about civil engineers’ creativity, problem-solving, and technical expertise. And civil engineering lab equipment suppliers salute them for all this and more for creating sustainable solutions that impact communities for generations.

Atico Export is the trusted Civil Engineering Lab Equipment supplier with which civil engineers collaborate. Civil engineering lab equipment suppliers cater to the broad spectrum of civil engineering, which includes:

  • Structural Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Transportation Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Water Resources Engineering
  • Surveying and leveling

All these branches of engineering require equipment from trusted Civil Engineering Lab Equipment manufacturers. They provide the Civil Engineering Lab Equipment list, which is divided based on the type of tests and experiments they are designed to conduct:

Soil Testing Equipment:

Civil Engineering Lab Equipment suppliers supply a vast variety of soil test testing equipment that tests for soil properties such as density, moisture content, compaction, permeability, and shear strength.

Some of the soil testing equipment includes:

  • Soil moisture meters,
  • Compaction apparatus,
  • Triaxial testing machines and
  • Permeability test equipment.

Concrete Testing Equipment

The export division, Civil Engineering Lab Equipment exporters, export specific concrete testing equipment that tests the various properties of concrete, such as compressive strength, workability, consistency, and setting time.

Equipment in this category in the civil engineering lab equipment list:

  • Concrete compression machines,
  • Slump cones,
  • Flow tables, and
  • Air entrainment meters, etc

Asphalt Testing Equipment

Tests and assesses the quality and performance of asphalt mixes used in road construction.

Equipment manufactured by Civil Engineering Lab Equipment manufacturers:

  • Asphalt mixers,
  • Compaction machines,
  • Penetration testers, and
  • Ductility testing apparatus.

Material Testing Equipment: Civil Engineering Lab Equipment exporters & suppliers supply a wide range of material testing equipment. It tests the mechanical properties of construction materials like metals, aggregates, cement, and bitumen.

Equipment included in this category:

  • Universal testing machines,
  • Los Angeles Abrasion Machine
  • Aggregate Impact Tester
  • Sieve Shaker
  • Specific Gravity Apparatus
  • Vicat Apparatus
  • Consistency Test Cone (Marsh Cone)
  • Bitumen Penetration Test Apparatus
  • Concrete Core Drilling Machine

Surveying Instruments

These equipment tests for accurate measurement and maps of land features. The civil engineering lab equipment list includes the following equipment:

  • Theodolite
  • Electronic Distance Meter (EDM)
  • Laser Distance Meter
  • Prismatic Compass
  • Planimeter
  • Gyro-Theodolite
  • Clinometer
  • Dumpy Level

Structural Engineering Equipment

Civil Engineering Lab Equipment manufacturers test for the strength and behavior of structural design and components such as beams, columns, and bridges. Structural engineering equipment is very vital as they have valuable information about structural design.

Civil Engineering Lab Equipment exporters and suppliers supply the following equipment:

  • Load Testing Machine
  • Strain Gauges
  • Deflection Testing Apparatus
  • Concrete Compression Machine
  • Concrete Core Drilling Machine
  • Buckling Test Equipment
  • Load Cells
  • Vibration Monitoring Equipment
  • Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) System

Transportation Engineering Equipment

This equipment assesses the properties of road materials by testing for asphalt content, roughness and skid resistance of the roads.

Equipment supplied in this category:

  • Road Roughness Measurement Equipment
  • Skid Resistance Tester
  • Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD)
  • Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP)
  • Benkelman Beam Deflection Tester
  • Pavement Core Drilling Machine
  • Asphalt Mixers and more

A wide range of equipment is in the civil engineering lab equipment list by Atico Export, the best civil engineering lab equipment supplier. Civil engineering is a branch where product quality, efficiency, and durability are of utmost importance. Who assures all this and more, the top civil engineering lab equipment supplier, Atico Export.


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